potatoes growing

Last year around this time the Dedes got serious about their Artist’s Survival Cookbook. As it is published now, they are searching for a theme for their next book. Devil for example would love to write an anti-bullying book called The Revenge of the Nobodies. Remember the Dedes were originally conceived as heads only, as “No bodies”. Devil is chuffed with the title he thought up, but that is as far as he got. Others picked up on Pig’s idea. He was sick of flour-and-water half way through the last book and suggested 101 ways with potatoes. The longer the Dedes worked on the Artitst’s Survival Cookbook the more puppets sided with Pig. As a precaution, Foxy Lady planted a potato patch a few weeks back and is dilligently tending it. You never know the potato book might be the winning idea.

Does anyone else have any ideas what the Dedes could do?