Archives for the month of: February, 2018

The Dedes realised they need a project. Their little society has become too divisive in the last year, with Top Dog always wanting the limelight. When brainstorming, most were in favour of running yet another tried and trusted Super Dede Competition. However, Mouse, the organiser, who has to do most of the work, asked if the competition could be run on one platform only. The Dedes have currently a very active following on Instagram, so she decided it will be there. But don’t worry, we will report on the progress here on the blog, a nice little weekly summary with some additional background information.

At the moment the contestants are introduced. One per day. (The Dedes don’t want to flood the readers with information and keep pretty much to one post a day). As in previous years, there will be 10 puppets to choose from, with five making it into the three week competition. The selection is strictly on likes and comments. While every reader has only one like per contestant, they can have more than one comment. A like counts as one point and a comment as five.

Here are the contestants that have been introduced so far:


Contestant No 1: Court Jester. He makes fun of everything and never seems too serious. ‘Seems’ is the operative word here. If you care to listen, he actually makes a lot of sense. He also had to put his name forward, otherwise the next contestant wouldn’t have agreed to give it a go.



Contestant No 2: Snotty Nosed Prince. He appears to be arrogant and doesn’t want to mingle with commoners. One can be never sure, whether he has a wicked sense of humor or whether he is deadpan serious. Listening to his words, one only hopes it is a wicked sense of humor!


Contestant No 3: Monkey. It is no secret he does everything for a banana and a laugh. He tried to get into the first Super Dede Competition in 2013, but didn’t make it. Of course he would be heart-broken if he didn’t make the cut again.


Contestant No 4: Push Push. The elephant was told by Monkey, there will be bananas and she wants to have her fair share. Besides, her therapist said she has to work on her confidence.


Contestant No 5: Junior. When he was born he was given this baseball cap by Top Dog to set him up for life. Sadly Junior had to find out the hard way, that a cap doesn’t necessarily make one great. Now he wants to prove he is good for great things.


Contestant No 6: Cool Cat. In the last competition Cool Cat had put Alley Cat forward as a representative of the feline fraternity. Alley Cat didn’t get in though, so this time it is Cool Cat’s turn to prove the worthiness of cats. The two couldn’t be more different and we have to see if this cat fares better.

And this is how far we got. Four more contestants to introduce this week. Lapdog the gender-fluid little dog, who won the competition last time has a hard time to find volunteers. He is adamant not to give Top Dog a chance, so he is hard at work convincing some indecisive ones.

Cool Cat was only introduced this morning, so her results are not in yet. However here is a sneak preview how every one is doing after the first week:

The loser is definitely Snotty Nosed Prince. Yes, arrogance doesn’t seem to be attractive to our wider audience. He has 45 likes and two comments.

With the other ones, everything is still possible. The forerunner a the moment is Court Jester with 56 likes and 6 comments, followed by Monkey with 52 likes and 5 comments, Push Push 50 likes and 4 comments and Junior 51 likes and 2 comments.

Competition is fierce!


Meanwhile on the journey across the property to get materials for the stage, the odd jobs worker Rob D Light confided in Devil that he would rather like to be on stage than building it. Devil was most supportive for Rob to give it a go. We have to see if he is brave enough to approach Lapdog to put him on the list!

Next report will be next Monday!




We are still alive and kicking, but much has happened since Christmas the year before last, when Top Dog in our last post tried to steal all the Christmas presents. He has in fact stolen not only the presents but also the Dedes’ innocence and lightness of being.

But from the beginning: As you might have figured the Dedes are dye-in-the-wool liberals They found it more and more difficult to cope with the rise of the autocrats all over the world. What use to be funny, when they were only a sideshow, it no longer funny and so the Dedes lost their voice and became speechless.

The Artist of the Dedes decided in the meantime to leave the of hustle and bustle of big town Auckland behind, like so many others, and moved to the sunny Bay of Islands in New Zealand’s Far North. Well, looking out the window today. It’s all but sunny. Anyway, along the way she was homeless for three month. Not homeless as in ‘no future’ as you can see increasingly on the streets of our big cities, rather homeless as in shake off the old and and clear your mind for the exciting change to come. She spend the time sailing around the Hauraki Gulf and Great Barrier on a little 26-foot catamaran, together with her soulmate and three traveler Dedes. It is documented on the Instagram account @dedepuppets that continued throughout the journey. Then they went for a month to Melbourne housesitting. But after the sailing stint it was clear, citylife is no longer an option.

In July the Dedes moved on an 1.5 ha lifestyle block with a delapidated house and are renovating ever since, digging trenches, planting out vegetables, cutting down trees and and and. Life has never been busier, but at the same time it has never been happier either. Though there is a clear mental battle going on. Taking the easy route and happily withdraw into the privacy of a little bubble, or continue to make public statements and give a small group of readers something to smile about.

Unfortunately for the Dedes, the happier, the quieter they are. Well, on Instagram the Artist had suggested, once the Dedes drop below 700 followers they will die. There was a little outcry amongst our handful of diehard followers. And so we continue. To be honest, the amount of followers is not important to us. On instagram they come and go like flies anyway. For the Artist the Dedes are really there to make sense of her world und understand human behaviour. And there is still so much more to understand. We can’t go back to where we were, but we can’t continue towards the abyss with open eyes. So for now we soldier on without a solution! Maybe it will be around the next corner…

It was always in the back of our mind to revive the blog once we are sort of settled in our new environment. And we feel really back to have it neglected for over a year. Thanks to our puppeteer friend in Australia who missed the blog, here we are…

On instagram the Dedes are preparing to embark on yet another Super Dede Competition. The ones in 2013 and in 2016 were definitely the highlights of their career and they hope they can repeat their success, proving to their Artist that there is still live in them. The Artist is suspicious, as well, she doesn’t want to flogg it to death.

The blog will be different, but how we don’t know yet :)

I hope there are still a few followers out there, who are happy to see us back.

Go, Dedes, go